Montessori Wooden Toys
Wooden Toys
Why wood and toys ?
The earliest toys were made from materials found in nature, such as rocks, sticks, wood and clay. Since ages, children play with whatever they find.
Wooden toys are ecological, sustainable, natural, last for ages, and finally offer huge benefits for our kids.
Toys, like play itself, serve multiple purposes and provide entertainment while fulfilling an educational role.
Educational wooden toys enhance cognitive behavior, stimulate creativity, help in the development of physical and mental skills which are necessary in life.
Did you know that one of the simplest toys, a set of simple wooden blocks is also one of the best toys for developing minds.
Why wooden toys ?....
Because it helps to develop hand-eye coordination, math and science skills, promote creativity and autonomy.
The repetition of using a single toy will reinforces memory, and this is why we also promote the teaching and learning concept of Maria Montessori.
Our goal is to offer a sustainable, and educational life for our kids, by providing eco friendly wooden toys for everyone...
"... Teaching by Nature ..."
Wood N Toys