Maria Montessori advices

Who is Maria Montessori?

Either you already know it ... or you're still wondering ...

Instead of getting bogged down in a long description of the story of her life, let it be simple and brief.

You will all have the opportunity to know her by her 19 tips that we will discover together. They will allow us to take a different look at traditional education.

This famous Italian doctor and philosopher has left us an extraordinary teaching method. Mainly focused on the observation of the child's personal development, we note that the child will learn by him/herself the motivation of his actions without necessarily requiring the intervention of an adult.


Maria Montessori often repeated to her teachers:

'Observe do not judge !'


Let's have a look at her 19 tips:

  1. Our children learn by observing the world around them.
  2. Abusively criticize your child, and you will only teach him/her to judge others ...
  3. Congratulate your child often, and he will know how to value others.
  4. Repel your child, and he/she will only learn to fight.
  5. Be honest with your child, you will teach him/her to be fair.
  6. Teasing a child creates shyness and lack of self-confidence.
  7. Bring warmth, comfort, and security to your child, and he/she will learn to trust others.
  8. Do not despise a child, he/she may grow up developing guilt.
  9. Listen carefully to your child, encourage him/her to express him/herself, and he/she will increase his/her self-esteem.
  10. Be kind to your child, and you will teach him/her patience.
  11. Support your child in his/her thoughts, and he/she will gain self-confidence.
  12. Bring a healthy and safe environment, where your child feels valued and helpful, and you open him/her the doors for sharing the love you offer him/her.
  13. Never speak badly about a child, whether he/she is present or not.
  14. Concentrate on spreading goodness and happiness around you in the presence of your child, and 'evil ' will not happen.
  15. Always pay attention to what a child tells you, whether it's a wish, a question or an answer.
  16. Respect and value your child, even when they are in the wrong, he/she will remedy it faster than you imagine.
  17. Let your child do it alone, help him/her if he asks, watch before help.
  18. Take the time to explain to your child, how the world works around him, and he/she will develop a feeling of control over his actions in his environment.
  19. Show him/her always the best way, teach him/her how he/she can make the best of him/herself.

Holy advice ... right?

Together, we are now able to make our future generations, responsible, creative, imaginative and free to flourish in their chosen field.

Let's provide to our children an healthy environment, by offering sustainable and ecological wooden support, in order to make them aware of their environment.


' We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.'
Maria Montessori

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